5 Things You Need To Know Before You Host Your First Ever In-Person OR Virtual Event

Dan Todd
5 min readJun 27, 2022

Along with webinar and challenge formats, events (in-person or virtual) are a fantastic way of nurturing your audience, providing tonnes of value, helping to change their lives and ultimately convert them into paying clients and customers.

That’s why there’s so many of them!

But if you’re thinking of hosting your first ever event, whether it’s in-person or virtual, there’s some things you need to know.

Trying anything for the first time is always a learning experience. But putting on an event can be an expensive learning experience, not just in terms of cost — but time and resources.

You want (and deserve) for it to go right first time. And sadly, that doesn’t always happen.

That’s why I’m going to share the most important things you NEED to know before you host your first in-person or virtual event.

Having helped experts to fill and run their own events over the last 10 years, I know a few things about events! I know what to do, and just as importantly…. What not to do!

So let’s dive in

1. Not Everybody Will Turn Up (Sorry)



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