5 Giveaways To Use In Your Marketing

Dan Todd
3 min readJun 7, 2019

We all love a good freebie, they make us feel happy and appreciated by the giver. Now we marketeers all know that businesses that give away things for free aren't really doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.

There are two primary reasons that businesses do it:

1- Build trust, establish brand loyalty — to make it easier to sell to people later

2- To gain email addresses and other data — again to sell to those people later

BUT, before we dig in there is one thing you have to note. Your giveaways can’t be of poor quality. They need to deliver great information and amazing value, otherwise they’ll have a the opposite effect you’re intending.

And yes, creating these freebies may cost a bit — but the long term results are well worth it.

Lets dive in to the 5 giveaways to use in your marketing:


First up, videos are a great thing to give away. Short, snappy 2–7 min long videos are a great way of giving away lots of information in an easy to follow format.


For those who prefer reading to watching videos, eBooks are great to give away and don’t have to be as long as War & Peace either. An average eBook packed full of value needs to only be…

