3 Additions To Your Escape Room Online Booking Form To Increase Bookings

Dan Todd
6 min readSep 27, 2020

Hey friends, and welcome to our latest escape room marketing blog! Hope you and your loved ones are well!

Last week, I shared 3 of the most common escape room marketing mistakes — and how to avoid them!

Today, I want to talk about your online booking form — and specifically how to get more bookings on it. After all, that is the ultimate goal from all of the marketing, advertising and hard work you put into promoting your escape room — right?

Online booking forms can take many shapes and sizes — many escape rooms use specific booking software, whilst others have an in-house booking form. Whatever you use, they’ll always be different ways to increase conversions — i.e. increase the number of bookings you get.

So today I’m going to share 3 of the most important additions you can make to your online booking so you can get more bookings and customers.

Think about it — all the handwork and money you spend and invest into your marketing to get people onto your website, and onto your booking form — only for the vast majority to leave without booking. Incredibly frustrating, and unavoidable to an extent.

Now I’m not saying or promising every single person who visits your booking form will place a booking with you if you make these 3 additions — but they’ll be more likely to. And every extra booking is a bonus.

