10 Ways To Market Your Escape Room For FREE!

Dan Todd
7 min readJul 13, 2020

As an escape room marketer I have the pleasure of working with many escape rooms all around the world. And sadly I’ve heard about several who have had to recently close down permanently due to a lack of cash flow during lockdown.

And money is absolutely a concern for all escape rooms right now, and maybe for you right now. Sure, your escape room may finally be able to reopen soon — but even when you have, you have to start clawing back money. It’s going to be a long road.

So I thought for this weeks blog, let’s focus on ways you can market your escape room and get bookings — at no cost — for FREE!

Marketing comes in many shapes and forms. Some marketing is digital, others more physical or “traditional.” But Marketing is also split in two halves: Paid marketing, marketing that costs money — and marketing that doesn’t cost money.

But it’s important to note before I go any further: Free marketing may not require any direct cost, but it requires time from either yourself or another member of your team, which in turn costs money. But that is the only cost.

As a simple comparison, you can market your escape room on Facebook two different ways:

1. Using paid ads which costs money, plus the time to create and manage the ads.

2. Posting content organically at no cost, but content requires time to create and post.



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